Yay!! We made lasagna the other night and it was delicious. The process was a tad long, but well worth it. The recipe we followed turned into a meal that was both delicious (thank you garlic for the amazing flavour you add to recipes) and nutritious (includes sweet potatoes, nutritional yeast, lentils, cashews, tomatoes, spinach, tofu, whole wheat pasta, and more!).

The recipe is here and since we didn’t do anything differently, I haven’t « claimed it » as my own. I also really like Beth’s title for it: « Best Damn Vegan Lasagna« . 

I must admit, in order for the recipe to be a success, you need a food processor and a high-speed blender (ex. a Ninja Blender or Vitamix).

Without further ado, I invite you to choose a quiet night when you can enjoy the complete process of making, baking and tasting this lasagna with (or without) a nice glass of red wine.

Cora Loomis, nutritionniste – Sherbrooke, QC – 819.588.1546

Cora Loomis, nutritionniste

Originaire de la région et parfaitement bilingue, je suis une jeune et dynamique diététiste-nutritionniste œuvrant à Sherbrooke et ses environs. Avec une approche simple et accessible, j’offre plusieurs services et adore coopérer avec les médias pour pouvoir remplir mon but professionnel: contribuer au bien-être des personnes que j’ai la chance d’informer, conseiller ou accompagner.

Originally from the region and perfectly bilingual, I am a young and dynamic Registered Dietitian (RD) working in the city of Sherbrooke and surrounding areas. Through a simple and accessible approach, I offer a number of services and love to cooperate with the media in order to fulfill my professional goal: contribute to the well-being of each person that I am lucky enough to inform, advise or support.

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